Symptoms of PCOS

Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is characterised by irregular or nonexistent periods, big, cystic ovaries, and obesity, among other symptoms.
Women who have PCOS encounter a wide range of symptoms, which are frequently present in varied combinations from one person to the next, depending on their individual circumstances. Excessive body hair growth or acne in the face (70 percent), abnormal cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels (70 percent), and a family history of hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and irregular periods are all among the signs and symptoms to look for in a woman (100 percent ). Many of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome appear gradually and may be mistaken for those of another medical condition at first. It is possible to experience simply a few symptoms or a large number of symptoms.

Early signs and symptoms of PCOS include:

Menstrual cycles that are less than eight in number per year, cycles that are more than 35 days apart, or no menstrual periods.

Women with PCOS experience irregular ovulation every month in about half of the population.

Vaginal bleeding that is not usual. This symptom is experienced by around 30% of women who have PCOS.

Hirsutism is a condition characterised by excessive hair growth on the face, chest, back, stomach, thumbs, or toes. More than 70% of women with PCOS complain of excessive hair growth, according to research.

Face and neck skin disorders include acanthosis nigricans (dark patches on the neck, groyne, underarms, or in skin folds), skin tags (acrochordons) in the armpits and neck area, and rosacea (rosacea rosacea).

Depression or mood swings are two conditions that might occur. Many women experience emotional difficulties as a result of the numerous physical signs of PCOS, which include excessive hair, obesity, and infertility.

Symptoms of PCOS that appear gradually:

Lower abdominal and pelvic pain are common complaints (chronic pelvic pain)

Obesity in the upper body or weight gain (more abdominal fat than hip fat). This is often referred to as "android obesity," because it is associated with elevated levels of the male hormone testosterone.


Women with PCOS may experience symptoms of insulin resistance, which raises their chance of getting diabetes in the future. As a result of PCOS, you may acquire diabetes at a younger age than you otherwise would. Women with PCOS have website impaired glucose functioning at a rate of approximately 30%, with type 2 diabetes occurring in between 7% and 10% of the population. The appearance of skin abnormalities such as skin tags or black skin patches (acanthosis nigricans) and the accumulation of fat in the upper body are some of the symptoms associated with insulin resistance.

High blood pressure is a medical condition (hypertension)

Male pattern baldness, sometimes known as thinning hair, is a condition that affects men (alopecia)

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